most fascinating, and no doubt Morrison knows his histories and sometimes even knows how to tie them together well(I particularly like the way he brought together the two versions of Martha Waynes death) But I'm still in great doubt that he knows how to write an actual story. I've been reading bits and pieces on the interwebs of his terrible 'non-end' to RIP. ...btw Lorenzo do you have my Seven Soldiers still?
Aye, an yur no gittin it back! I've also read a few negative bits and pieces on his ending to RIP. I've not read it meself, but Russlor assures me they dunno nuhin aboot it!! I'm looking forward to reading it mightily. I've read the first graphic novel from his current run and bloody loved it. Absolutely loved the fight in the art gallery, where the paintings in the background reflect or comment on the foreground action. Lorenzo kinda likes admittedly pointless shite like that! And his All Star Superman was brilliant, even the Morrison haters seem to love it.
Batman RIP was great up until the end when it still wasnt clear who the badguy was... I hope it will be explained at one point. I think the main thing that people have a problem with is the marketing (by both DC and morrison) that said this was going to be the end-all of batman stories whereas hes still alive and well in final crisis... Otherwise, it was enjoyable, especially the batman of Zurr-En-Arrh with Bat-Mite and the use of the Joker was great too.
most fascinating,
and no doubt Morrison knows his histories and sometimes even knows how to tie them together well(I particularly like the way he brought together the two versions of Martha Waynes death)
But I'm still in great doubt that he knows how to write an actual story.
I've been reading bits and pieces on the interwebs of his terrible 'non-end' to RIP.
...btw Lorenzo do you have my Seven Soldiers still?
Aye, an yur no gittin it back!
I've also read a few negative bits and pieces on his ending to RIP. I've not read it meself, but Russlor assures me they dunno nuhin aboot it!! I'm looking forward to reading it mightily.
I've read the first graphic novel from his current run and bloody loved it. Absolutely loved the fight in the art gallery, where the paintings in the background reflect or comment on the foreground action. Lorenzo kinda likes admittedly pointless shite like that!
And his All Star Superman was brilliant, even the Morrison haters seem to love it.
well if you've got any good morrison Batman I'll need to borrow it to be converted... and Seein' as yur holdin' ma only morrison ransom!
Batman RIP was great up until the end when it still wasnt clear who the badguy was... I hope it will be explained at one point. I think the main thing that people have a problem with is the marketing (by both DC and morrison) that said this was going to be the end-all of batman stories whereas hes still alive and well in final crisis... Otherwise, it was enjoyable, especially the batman of Zurr-En-Arrh with Bat-Mite and the use of the Joker was great too.
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