Wednesday, 19 November 2008


ARG, is the only way to describe the past 8 days.
But with particular emphasis on the 8th.

For those of you who dunt know, me and katie's was broken into pretty much exactly as i stepped off the flight from the Shit Cararys.
Added to this stress my colleagues, in there supportive way, seem to be acting like I've made it up to avoid work i didn't need to do in the first place, and I appear to be straight back into the masses of work I left, and my supposed 4 days "off" have turned into LOTs and LOTs of work.
I say "ARG!"

But look, to cheer me up, Xbox has gone all Wii!!
here I am

It seems in keeping with the Xbox Live 'Community' their Miis, sorry Xbiis, are as "Faggy" and "N00by" as possible. Presumably so when a Small thirteen year olds exclaim about your BIG gay N00BYness, you can now log straight your dash' and see the evidence grinning mindlessly at you in his wee fag outfit and Americanised demeanour.

Its shocking just how Wii-ish it is. I'm surprised Nintondo aren't getting legal action ready right now. Serving Microsoft with "Unique custom Controls!" that won't quite work the fist time but wait wait, just tip the mote back a bit... NO! less speed and more dip in your legs!

Plus it turns out we could've had our own pictures as backgrounds ALL THIS TIME instead of spending 150ms on them!
I could've had ANY delightful image FOR FREE!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

T-shirt's a bit tight eh?