Monday, 12 May 2008

Another present for Ad. Maybe around January time...

Remembered this existed
Just saying.

But that lead me to other great chest coverings...
Like this To Do List

This needs a IMDB alternative...

Some easy to follow instructions called Dickinabox

Zombie attack instructions

Feelings ARE boring

Can't remember if i ever pointed this one out to anyone. it's awesome.

If youes HAVEN'T seen this one yet i'd be impressed but just in case here it is, The Alphabet of Gaming.

And t-shirt hell give you...
Han Job
Fuck ye!
Promotes Anal (yay!)
Shirts made out of 65% Seal and the clubbing of said Seals.
And entertainingly some Youth in Asia

And Snorg Tees shamelessly whores every popular movie/geek/internet reference, moment going in desperate and wholly uncomfortable manner.
Still they continue their whoring tactic in their ads by using use incredible lovely looking lasses de-tro....

Must. Click. On. Girl. Want. T-shirt. NO!

Ps. I still think this INRI! is the a-bomb.

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