Friday, 29 August 2008

internet meme timeline

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Monday, 25 August 2008

Saturday, 23 August 2008


Determined to show the awesome of Flight of the Concords, here "If thats what you're into"

chuckle chuckle chuckle

time for bed!

DLC for Team Fortress 2 coming to Xbox!


Friday, 22 August 2008

Dr Ronald Chevalier

Well worth checking out

If nothing else his reading from ' Cyborg Harpies: the 8th Chronicle. Bio Wars: A harpies perspective' is awesome.

Vertical Cover in Dark Void


Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Free Shit Adam

Sign up, billions upon billions of baby stuff. From nappies, to prams, to cots. More baby stuff than anything else, certainly more than bloody rocking chairs!

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Coraline Feature


I'm not sure about this, Coraline seems to have an American accent, which could suck.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

jake gyllenhaall as the prince

Guys want to be him, heath ledger wants to be in him.

At least he got his wish before he died.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

The Best of Forge [Halo 3]

Forge is commonly regarded as one of the most criminally overlooked features of Halo 3. Poncy games magazine Edge even gave Halo 3 their Interactive Innovation award, partly due to this feature.

Halo 3's first DLC Map Pack (Heroic - now free on XBLM) included the ultimate map for Forgers - Foundry. Not the best of maps to play in standard Matchmaking, but it was essentially a giant warehouse that was fully customisable. All the geometry and items could be moved, removed, and changed. The results were diverse and curious - including a 'Grifball' Court, the Millenium Falcon, and some hardcore remakes of Halo classics. A lot of these were just that though - curiosities. There are an obscene amount of custom levels now, so it's hard to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

Thankfully, has posted their 'Best of Forge [Spring/Summer '08]' awards to set us on the path. Well worth a quick look, and you can just click on the links to set it to download to Halo 3 for next time you turn it on. A lot of creative levels and design - 'user created content' is already here, and it's already awesome.

Sadly, Bungie have yet to instigate a Custom Levels Playlist, but here's always hope, with big changes planned for September.

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Boycott the Olympics!

Olympic Pole Vaulter, Allison Stokke...

I WILL boycott the Olympics. I WILL boycott the Olympics. I WILL!

CthulHU! the trailer

Ball Flurrie - Watch more free videos
Check out that handle bar!


So Brido ruined me...
instead of sleeping or franticly scrabbling around the internet for pornography i watched many you tube hours of Charlie Brooker.

I realise you've probably seen it before but I found one with the guys from Videogaiden

Wednesday, 6 August 2008